4D S.A. Copyright 2001


ACCESS_PRIVILEGE_VIOLATION - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
AddToSet(opSet, opTable) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method AddToSet adds the current record of table to the set.
ALLOW_4D_CLIENT_ONLY_IS_CHECKED - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
AllRecords(opTable) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method AllRecords selects all the records in opTable and makes the first record in the file the current record.
ALPHANUMERIC - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
ALPHANUMERIC_ARRAY - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
ALPHANUMERIC2 - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
AND - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
API_NOT_COMPATIBLE_WITH_SERVER - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
ArrayToSelection(opDataArray[], opFieldArray) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method ArrayToSelection updates the records in the current selection of a table and/or creates new records in this table.
AsciiToUnicode_Old(byte[]) - Static method in class j4d.open.opStd
AsciiToUnicode(short, byte[]) - Method in class j4d.open.opStd
AverageField(opField) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method AverageField returns the arithmetic mean (average) of the target field in the current selection.


BACKUP_IN_PROGRESS - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
BAD_SEARCH_TABLE_DEFINITION - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
BAD_SORT_TABLE_DEFINITION - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
BLOB - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
BLOB_ARRAY - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
BLOBSTA - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
BOOLEAN_ARRAY - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants


CancelTransaction() - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method CancelTransaction cancels the transaction that was started by StartTransaction and leaves the database unchanged by cancelling the operations executed during the transaction.
CharSet_4D_Server - Variable in class j4d.open.opStd
CHARSET_PROBLEM - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
ClearNamedSelection(opSelection) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method ClearNamedSelection clears the table selection from the memory and frees the used space.
ClearSemaphore(String) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method ClearSemaphore deletes a semaphore previously set by the SetSemaphore method.
ClearSet(opSet) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method ClearSet clears set from memory and frees the used memory.
CloseConnection() - Method in class j4d.open.opConnection
The method CloseConnection close the current connection.
CONNECTION_DO_ERR - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
CONNECTION_LL1_ERR - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
CONNECTION_LL2_ERR - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
CONNECTION_LL3_ERR - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
CONNECTION_LL4_ERR - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
CONTAIN - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
CopyNamedSelection(opSelection) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method CopyNamedSelection copies the table current selection into the selection.
CopySet(opSet, opSet) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method CopySet makes a copy of the set src_set into the set new_setname.
CountTables() - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The command CountTables count the number of tables in the database.
CountUserProcesses() - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method CountUserProcesses returns the number of user processes currently running.
CountUsers() - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method CountUsers returns the number of users currently connected to the server.
CreateEmptySet(opSet) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method CreateEmptySet fills the object set (of opSet type) previously created with the current selection.
CreateRecord(opFieldArray, opDataArray) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method CreateRecord creates a new record for the table specified by table with the contents of dataArray.
CreateRecord(opTable, opDataArray) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
Deprecated. Since JOpen 6.7.1, replaced by opProcess.CreateRecord(opFieldArray, opDataArray).
The method CreateRecord creates a new record for the table specified by table with the contents of dataArray. If you do not specify the values for certain fields, 4D Server initializes the fields to their default values.
The new record becomes the current record and the current selection (a one-record selection).
CreateSet(opSet) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method CreateSet fills the object set (of opSet type) previously created with the current selection.
CutNamedSelection(opSelection) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method CutNamedSelection moves the targetFile current selection to the selection passed as parameter.


DATA_FIELD_PROBLEM - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
DATE - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
DATE_ARRAY - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
DeleteRecord(opTable) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method DeleteRecord deletes the target table current record in the process.
DeleteSelection(opSelection) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method DeleteSelection deletes records from the selection.
DifferenceSet(opSet, opSet, opSet) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method DifferenceSet compares src_set and dst_set and excludes all records that are in dst_set from the dif_set.
DISCONNECTION_ERR - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
DistinctValues(opField) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method DistinctValues returns an opDataArray containing the distinct values found in an indexed field for the records in the current selection.
DOES_NOT_CONTAIN - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
DUPLICATE_KEY_INDEX - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants


EQUAL - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
EXCEPT - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
ExecuteOnServer(opServerProcess, opVariableArray) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method ExecuteOnServer starts a new process on the Server and returns the process number for that process.


FIELD_IS_NOT_INDEXED - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
FIELD_IS_NOT_RELATED_TO - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
FIELD_NUMBER_IS_OUT_OF_RANGE - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
FlushBuffers() - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method FlushBuffers immediately saves the data buffers to the disk.


getCharSetId() - Method in class j4d.open.opConnection
The method getCharSetId return the CharSet ID.
getConnection(String) - Method in class j4d.open.opDriverManager
The method getConnection create a connection on the 4D Server.
getConnection(String, int) - Method in class j4d.open.opDriverManager
The method getConnection create a connection on the 4D Server.
GetDate() - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method GetDate returns the date of the 4D Server machine using GregorianCalendar class.
GetErrorMsg() - Method in class j4d.open.opException
GetFieldNumbers(opFieldArray) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method GetFieldNumbers allows you to retrieve the table and field numbers that correspond to a set of table and field names.
GetProcessList() - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method GetProcessList returns in an array of opProcess objects which contain information about all the processes on the server.
GetProcessNumber(opServerProcess) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method GetProcessNumber loads in the field remote_process.mProcessID the current process number.
GetProcessVariable(opServerProcess, opVariableArray) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method GetProcessVariable reads the srcVar process variables (srvVar2, etc.) from the source process whose number is passed in remote_process, and returns their current values in the dstVar variables (dstVar2, etc.) of the current process.
getSleepValue() - Method in class j4d.open.opConnection
This method return the Sleeping Value of the opConnection object.
GetTableNames(opTableArray) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method GetTableNames returns the table names in the database.
GetTableProperties(opTable) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method GetTableProperties returns detailed information about the target table and its associated fields.
GetTime() - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method GetTime returns the time of the 4D Server machine using GregorianCalendar class.
getVersion() - Static method in class j4d.open.opDriverManager
The method getVersion return the current version of this API with the following format : "4D Open for Java vXX.X"
GotoRecord(opTable) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method GotoRecord selects the record record number is passed in table.mRecordNumber as the current record of the target table for the connection.
GotoSelectedRecord(opSelection) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method GotoSelectedRecord makes the specified record in the specified selection the current record.
GREATER_THAN - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants


INDEX_PAGE_OUT_OF_RANGE - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
INTEGER - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
INTEGER_ARRAY - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
IntersectionSet(opSet, opSet, opSet) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method IntersectionSet compares src_set and dst_set and selects only the records that are in both.
INVALID_FIELD_TABLE_DEFINITION - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
INVALID_FIELD_TYPE - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
INVALID_INDEX_PAGE - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
INVALID_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
INVALID_RECORD_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
INVALID_RECORD_NUMBER - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
INVALID_RECORD_STRUCTURE - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
INVALID_SELECTED_RECORD_NUMBER - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
INVALID_STRUCTURE - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
INVALID_TYPE_REQUESTED - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
IsClosed() - Method in class j4d.open.opConnection
The method IsClosed test whether the connection is closed or not.
IsInSet(opSet) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method IsInSet tests whether or not the current record for the table is in set.


j4d.open - package j4d.open


LESS_THAN - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
LIMIT_OF_DEMO - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
LoadFields(opFieldArray) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method LoadFields returns an array of data containing the values of the specified fields in the current record.
LONGINTEGER - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
LONGINTEGER_ARRAY - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants


mAlphaLen - Variable in class j4d.open.opField
mAttributes - Variable in class j4d.open.opField
MaxField(opField) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method MaxField returns the maximum value for the target field in the current selection.
MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS_REACHED - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
mBlob - Variable in class j4d.open.opData
mBlobSize - Variable in class j4d.open.opData
mBoolean - Variable in class j4d.open.opData
mBottom - Variable in class j4d.open.opTable
mCurrentRecord - Variable in class j4d.open.opSelection
mData - Variable in class j4d.open.opVariable
mData - Variable in class j4d.open.opSearch
mDataArray - Variable in class j4d.open.opDataArray
mDate - Variable in class j4d.open.opData
mError - Variable in class j4d.open.opException
mField - Variable in class j4d.open.opSearch
mFieldArray - Variable in class j4d.open.opFieldArray
mFieldList - Variable in class j4d.open.opTable
mFieldName - Variable in class j4d.open.opField
mFieldNumber - Variable in class j4d.open.opField
mFieldType - Variable in class j4d.open.opField
mIndexNumber - Variable in class j4d.open.opField
MinField(opField) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method MinField returns the minimum value for the target field in the current selection.
mInteger - Variable in class j4d.open.opData
mInvisible - Variable in class j4d.open.opTable
mKey - Variable in class j4d.open.opServerProcess
mLeft - Variable in class j4d.open.opTable
mLogicalOperator - Variable in class j4d.open.opSearch
mLongInteger - Variable in class j4d.open.opData
mMethodName - Variable in class j4d.open.opProcess
mMethodName - Variable in class j4d.open.opServerProcess
ModifyRecord(opFieldArray, opDataArray) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method ModifyRecord modifies the specified fields the current record.
ModifyRecord(opTable, opDataArray) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
Deprecated. Since JOpen 6.7.1, replaced by opProcess.ModifyRecord(opFieldArray, opDataArray).
The method ModifyRecord modifies the current record for the table specified by table. If dataArray does not contain all the fields in the table, only the specified fields will be modified.
To use ModifyRecord, the current record must have read/write access and should not be locked.
If there is no current record, then ModifyRecord does nothing. This method does not affect the current selection.
mOrdering - Variable in class j4d.open.opField
mProcessArray - Variable in class j4d.open.opProcessArray
mProcessID - Variable in class j4d.open.opServerProcess
mProcessName - Variable in class j4d.open.opProcess
mProcessName - Variable in class j4d.open.opServerProcess
mReal - Variable in class j4d.open.opData
mRecordNumber - Variable in class j4d.open.opSelection
mRecordNumber - Variable in class j4d.open.opSet
mRecordNumber - Variable in class j4d.open.opTable
mRecordsInSelection - Variable in class j4d.open.opSelection
mRecordsInSet - Variable in class j4d.open.opSet
mRecordsInTable - Variable in class j4d.open.opTable
mRelatedField - Variable in class j4d.open.opField
mRelatedTable - Variable in class j4d.open.opField
mRight - Variable in class j4d.open.opTable
mSearchArray - Variable in class j4d.open.opSearchArray
mSearchOperator - Variable in class j4d.open.opSearch
mSelectionName - Variable in class j4d.open.opSelection
mSequenceNumber - Variable in class j4d.open.opTable
mServerProcessArray - Variable in class j4d.open.opServerProcessArray
mSetName - Variable in class j4d.open.opSet
mSize - Variable in class j4d.open.opServerProcessArray
mSize - Variable in class j4d.open.opTableArray
mSize - Variable in class j4d.open.opProcessArray
mSize - Variable in class j4d.open.opSearchArray
mSize - Variable in class j4d.open.opDataArray
mSize - Variable in class j4d.open.opFieldArray
mStackSize - Variable in class j4d.open.opProcess
mStackSize - Variable in class j4d.open.opServerProcess
mState - Variable in class j4d.open.opServerProcess
mStationName - Variable in class j4d.open.opProcess
mStationName - Variable in class j4d.open.opServerProcess
mString - Variable in class j4d.open.opData
mTableArray - Variable in class j4d.open.opTableArray
mTableName - Variable in class j4d.open.opField
mTableName - Variable in class j4d.open.opTable
mTableNumber - Variable in class j4d.open.opSelection
mTableNumber - Variable in class j4d.open.opField
mTableNumber - Variable in class j4d.open.opSet
mTableNumber - Variable in class j4d.open.opTable
mTargetTable - Variable in class j4d.open.opFieldArray
mTime - Variable in class j4d.open.opData
mTimeSpent - Variable in class j4d.open.opProcess
mTimeSpent - Variable in class j4d.open.opServerProcess
mTop - Variable in class j4d.open.opTable
mTrigOnDeleting - Variable in class j4d.open.opTable
mTrigOnLoading - Variable in class j4d.open.opTable
mTrigOnSavingExisting - Variable in class j4d.open.opTable
mTrigOnSavingNew - Variable in class j4d.open.opTable
mType - Variable in class j4d.open.opDataArray
mType - Variable in class j4d.open.opData
mUnique - Variable in class j4d.open.opProcess
mUnique - Variable in class j4d.open.opServerProcess
mUserName - Variable in class j4d.open.opProcess
mUserName - Variable in class j4d.open.opServerProcess
mVariableArray - Variable in class j4d.open.opVariableArray
mVariableName - Variable in class j4d.open.opVariable
mVarType - Variable in class j4d.open.opVariable


NO_ARRAY_BLOB - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
NO_CURRENT_RECORD - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
NO_MORE_SPACE_AVAILABLE_TO_SAVE_RECORD - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
NONE - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
NOT_EQUAL - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants


OLD_SERVER_ERR - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
opConnection - class j4d.open.opConnection.
The class opConnection provides methods for basic connectivity operations.
opConstants - interface j4d.open.opConstants.
This interface contains all the IDs that can be used in a 4D Open development.
opData - class j4d.open.opData.
The class opData can contain data of a given type.
opData() - Constructor for class j4d.open.opData
opData(int, boolean) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opData
opData(int, byte[]) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opData
opData(int, double) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opData
opData(int, GregorianCalendar) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opData
opData(int, int) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opData
opData(int, short) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opData
opData(int, String) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opData
opDataArray - class j4d.open.opDataArray.
The class opDataArray allows to store Data objects in an array.
opDataArray(int) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opDataArray
opDataIOStream - class j4d.open.opDataIOStream.
The class opDataIOStream supports cross-platform IO streams.
opDriverManager - class j4d.open.opDriverManager.
In the java model, the driver manager is handling only one kind of driver or protocole because the network interface of the virtual machine is used.
opDriverManager() - Constructor for class j4d.open.opDriverManager
opException - class j4d.open.opException.
4D Open for Java development is completely based on the exception error handling mechanism.
opField - class j4d.open.opField.
The class opField provides information about a field.
opField() - Constructor for class j4d.open.opField
opField(int, int) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opField
opField(String, String) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opField
opFieldArray - class j4d.open.opFieldArray.
The class opFieldArray provides information on a field array, the size of the array and the field themselves.
opFieldArray(int) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opFieldArray
opProcess - class j4d.open.opProcess.
This object is the main object of the API and handles all the queries which can be sent to a 4D Server through 4D Open for Java.
opProcess() - Constructor for class j4d.open.opProcess
opProcessArray - class j4d.open.opProcessArray.
This object is used to store processes.
opProcessArray(int) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opProcessArray
opSearch - class j4d.open.opSearch.
opSearch is the structure to manage remote search on the server.
opSearch() - Constructor for class j4d.open.opSearch
opSearch(byte, int, int, byte, opData) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opSearch
opSearchArray - class j4d.open.opSearchArray.
opSearchArray is used to store search objects.
opSearchArray(int) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opSearchArray
opSelection - class j4d.open.opSelection.
This object describes a selection.
opSelection() - Constructor for class j4d.open.opSelection
opSelection(int) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opSelection
opSelection(int, String) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opSelection
opServerProcess - class j4d.open.opServerProcess.
This object allows to manage server processes.
opServerProcess() - Constructor for class j4d.open.opServerProcess
opServerProcessArray - class j4d.open.opServerProcessArray.
The class opServerProcessArray allows to store the server processes in an array.
opServerProcessArray(int) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opServerProcessArray
opSet - class j4d.open.opSet.
opSet is the structure to handle the set objects.
opSet() - Constructor for class j4d.open.opSet
opSet(int, int, String) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opSet
opSet(String) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opSet
opStd - class j4d.open.opStd.
opStd object provides the support for basic functions such as Unicode ASCII conversion.
opStd() - Constructor for class j4d.open.opStd
opTable - class j4d.open.opTable.
opTable is the object which contains all the necessary information to describe a 4D table.
opTable() - Constructor for class j4d.open.opTable
opTable(int) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opTable
opTable(int, int) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opTable
opTableArray - class j4d.open.opTableArray.
Object to store opTables.
opTableArray(short) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opTableArray
opVariable - class j4d.open.opVariable.
opVariable is used to store and/or exchange variable value between your application and 4D Server.
opVariable() - Constructor for class j4d.open.opVariable
opVariable(int, String) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opVariable
opVariableArray - class j4d.open.opVariableArray.
opVariableArray can store several variables for internal use or to pass a list of parameters to a stored procedure.
opVariableArray(int) - Constructor for class j4d.open.opVariableArray
OR - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
OrderBy(opFieldArray) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method OrderBy sorts the current selection of target table, based on the sort definition.
OTHER_RECORD_ARE_RELATED - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants


PICTURE - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
PICTURE_ARRAY - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
PREPARE_LOGIN_ERR - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
PROCESS_COULD_NOT_BE_STARTED - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants


ReadOnly(opTable) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method ReadOnly changes the access mode of the table to read-only for the process in which it is called.
ReadWrite(opTable) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method ReadWrite changes the access mode of the file to read-write for the process in which it is called.
REAL - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
REAL_ARRAY - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
RECORD_ALLREADY_DELETED - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
RECORD_COULD_NOT_BE_LOADED - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
RECORD_LOCKED_DURING_AUTOMATIC_DELETION - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
RECORD_NOT_IN_SELECTION - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
RECORD_OUT_OF_RANGE - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
RecordsInSelection(opSelection) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method RecordsInSelection returns the number of records in the selection for the connection.
RecordsInTable(opTable) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method RecordsInTable fill the field mRecordsInTable with the total number of records in the target table.
RECURSIVE_INTEGRITY - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
ReduceSelection(opSelection) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method ReduceSelection reduces the selection to the first mRecordNumber in the selection.
RelateMany(opField) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method RelateMany creates a selection of records in the Many table based on the selection in the One table.
RelateOne(opTable, opTable) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method RelateOne creates a new selection of records in to_table based on the selection of records in from_table.
RemoveFromSet(opSet, opTable) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method RemoveFromSet removes the table current record from set.
run() - Method in class j4d.open.opConnection


Search(opSearchArray) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method Search performs a search using the search definition whose pointer is passed and returns in opSelection the number of records found in the table.
SearchInSelection(opSearchArray) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method SearchInSelection performs a search using the search passed in searchArray and returns in opSelection the number of records found in the selection.
SELECTION_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
SelectionToArray(opDataArray[], opFieldArray) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method SelectionToArray returns a buffer containing the concatenated values of the fields you requested for the records in the current selection(s) of the specified table(s).
SequenceNumber(opTable) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method SequenceNumber fill the field table.mSequenceNumber with the next sequence number for that table.
setCharSet(String) - Method in class j4d.open.opStd
The setCharSet method is used to use other characters set than MacRoman. ex : MyProcess.setCharset("SJIS") // Japonese characters This command is no longer relevant for the 4D Server 6.7.1 and after default value : "MacRoman" refer to Sun documentation to find the appropriate parameter
SetProcessVariable(opServerProcess, opVariableArray) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method SetProcessVariable writes the process variables of the destination process whose number is passed in remote_process using the values passed in mProcessID.
SetSemaphore(String) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
A semaphore is a flag shared among workstations (each user's computer) or among processes on the same workstation.
setSleepValue(double) - Method in class j4d.open.opConnection
This method is used to tune the Sleeping Value of the opConnection object, which runs in its own thread.
SLEEPING_PROCESS_ERR - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
STACK_IS_FULL - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
START_PROCESS_ERR - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
startProcess(String, String, String, String) - Method in class j4d.open.opConnection
The method startProcess create a process on the current connection.
StartTransaction() - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method StartTransaction starts a transaction.
STOP_PROCESS_ERR - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
stopProcess(opProcess) - Method in class j4d.open.opConnection
The method stopProcess close the process passed as parameter.
STRUCTURE_IS_LOCKED - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
SUBTABLE - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
SumField(opField) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method SumField returns the sum, which is the total of all values, for the target field in the current selection.


TabConv - Static variable in class j4d.open.opStd
TABLE_NUMBER_IS_OUT_OF_RANGE - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
TEXT - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
TEXT_ARRAY - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
TEXTSTA - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
TIME - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
TIME_ARRAY - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
TIME_OUT_EXPIRED - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
TRANSACTION_CANCELLED_DUPLICATE_KEY - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
TRANSACTION_INDEX_PAGE_COULD_NOT_BE_LOADED - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
TRIC_RESSOURCES_ARE_NOT_THE_SAME - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants


UNABLE_TO_CLEAR_SELECTION - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
UNABLE_TO_OPEN_SOCKET_ERR - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
UnicodeToAscii_Old(String) - Static method in class j4d.open.opStd
UnicodeToAscii(String) - Method in class j4d.open.opStd
UnionSet(opSet, opSet, opSet) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method UnionSet creates a set that contains all records from src_set and dst_set.
UNKNOWN_USER - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
UnloadRecord(opTable) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method UnloadRecord unloads the current record of the table once you have finished using it.
UNSPECIFIED_CURRENT_RECORD - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
UNSPECIFIED_FIELD - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
UNSPECIFIED_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
UNSPECIFIED_LOP - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
UNSPECIFIED_PROCESS_NAME - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
UNSPECIFIED_RECORD - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
UNSPECIFIED_RECORD_IN_SELECTION - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
UNSPECIFIED_SELECTION_NAME - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
UNSPECIFIED_SEMAPHORE_NAME - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
UNSPECIFIED_SET_NAME - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
UNSPECIFIED_SOP - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
UNSPECIFIED_TABLE - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
UNSPECIFIED_TABLE_NAME - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
UNSPECIFIED_TARGET_TABLE - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
UseNamedSelection(opSelection) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method UseNamedSelection makes the selection the current selection of the table.
UseSet(opSet) - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method UseSet makes the records in set the current selection for the set table.


ValidateTransaction() - Method in class j4d.open.opProcess
The method ValidateTransaction accepts the transaction that was started by StartTransaction and saves the changes to the database that occurred during the transaction.
VINTERPROCESS - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants
VM_CharSetSupported - Static variable in class j4d.open.opStd
VPROCESS - Static variable in interface j4d.open.opConstants


write(int) - Method in class j4d.open.opDataIOStream

4D S.A. Copyright 2001

4D S.A.