4D S.A. Copyright 2001

Deprecated API

Deprecated Methods
j4d.open.opProcess.CreateRecord(opTable, opDataArray)
          Since JOpen 6.7.1, replaced by opProcess.CreateRecord(opFieldArray, opDataArray).
The method CreateRecord creates a new record for the table specified by table with the contents of dataArray. If you do not specify the values for certain fields, 4D Server initializes the fields to their default values.
The new record becomes the current record and the current selection (a one-record selection).
j4d.open.opProcess.ModifyRecord(opTable, opDataArray)
          Since JOpen 6.7.1, replaced by opProcess.ModifyRecord(opFieldArray, opDataArray).
The method ModifyRecord modifies the current record for the table specified by table. If dataArray does not contain all the fields in the table, only the specified fields will be modified.
To use ModifyRecord, the current record must have read/write access and should not be locked.
If there is no current record, then ModifyRecord does nothing. This method does not affect the current selection.

4D S.A. Copyright 2001

4D S.A.