Database Engine Errors

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version 11.2 (Modified)

This table lists the error codes generated by the 4D Database Engine. These codes cover errors that occur at a low level of the database engine, such as user interruption, privilege errors, and damaged objects.

4001Invalid table number requested by a Plug-In
4002Invalid record number requested by a Plug-In
4003Invalid field number requested by a Plug-In
4004Access to a table's current record requested by a Plug-in while there is no current record
1006Program interrupted by user—user pressed Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS)
-1Unknown entry point requested by a Plug-In
-9750The source form is not editable.
-9751The source form is not accessible by the user.
-9752The user form cannot be created.
-9753The source form does not exist.
-9754This command cannot be used from a dialog window.
-9755The user form does not have a name.
-9756There is no user structure file.
-9757The user form does not exist.
-9758The user form already exists.
-9759The Object Library could not be opened.
-9800One of the processes modified the access rights.
-9850Invalid area parameter passed to an external command.
-9851Invalid parameter number 1.
-9852Invalid parameter number 2.
-9853Invalid parameter number 3.
-9854Invalid parameter number 4.
-9855Invalid parameter number 5.
-9909No window available to run the form.
-9910Soap fault.
-9911Parser fault.
-9912HTTP fault.
-9913Network fault.
-9914Internal fault.
-9915The document's reference is invalid.
-9916The element is not open.
-9917The type of the array passed in parameter is invalid.
-9918The name of the element is invalid.
-9919This encoding is not supported.
-9920The type of the node is invalid
-9921Attempt to write a XML Prolog on a non empty document
-9922Lack the parameter value in the attributes definition
-9923The attribute name is not valid
-9924The file must be opened in read only
-9925The referenced element is null.
-9926The referenced element is invalid.
-9927The referenced element is not the "root".
-9928The name of the element is unknown.
-9929The index for this element is invalid.
-9930There is no attribute with this name for this element.
-9931The index for this attribute is invalid.
-9932The XML DLL is not loaded.
-9933The XML file is not valid.
-9934The XML file is not well-formed.
-9935The XML file is not valid or is not well-formed.
-9936Password extern code does not correspond to the database one
-9937Password System is locked by another user.
-9938The current record has been changed from within the trigger.
-9939External routine not found.
-99404D Extension initialization failed.
-9941Unknown EX_GESTALT selector.
-99424D Client licensing scheme is incompatible with this version of 4D Server.
-99434D Connectivity Plug-ins version error.
-9944The user does not belong to the 4D Open access group.
-9945CD-ROM 4D Runtime error; writing operations are not allowed.
-9946Unable to clear the named selection because it does not exist.
-9947The "Allow 4D Open connections" check box has not been selected.
-9948A modal dialog is activated.
-9949License or privilege error.
-9950Invalid data segment number.
-9951This field has no relation.
-9952Invalid data segment header.
-9953There is no Log file.
-9954There is no current record.
-9955QuickTime is not installed.
-9956Versions of 4D Client and 4D Server are different.
-9957The choice list is locked.
-9958The process could not be started.
-9959The backup process has already been started by another user or process.
-99604D Backup is not installed on the server.
-9961The backup process is not currently running.
-9962The backup cannot be run because the server is shutting down.
-9963Invalid record number requested by a workstation.
-9964Bad sort definition table sent by a workstation.
-9965Bad search definition table sent by a workstation.
-9966Invalid type requested by a workstation.
-9967The record could not be modified because it could not be loaded.
-9968Invalid selected record number requested by workstation.
-9969Invalid field type requested by workstation.
-9970Field is not indexed.
-9971Field number is out of range requested by workstation.
-9972Table number is out of range requested by workstation.
-9973The TRIC resources are not the same.
-9974Record has already been deleted.
-9975Transaction index page could not be loaded.
-9976Backup in progress; no modification allowed.

-9977The selection does not exist.
-9978Bad user password.
-9979Unknown user.
-9980The file cannot be created because the structure is locked.
-9981Invalid field name/field number definition table sent by the workstation.
-9982The record was not loaded because it is not in the selection on the workstation.
-9983The same external package is installed twice.
-9984Transaction has been cancelled because of a duplicated index key error.
-9985Recursive integrity.
-9986Record locked during an automatic deletion action.
-9987Some other records are already related to this record.
-9988The form cannot be loaded. Either the form or the structure is damaged.
-9989Invalid structure (database needs to be repaired).
-9990Time-out error.
-9991Privileges error.
-9992Wrong password.
-9993Menu bar is damaged (database needs to be repaired).
-9994Serial communication interrupted by the user—user pressed Ctrl-Alt-Shift (Windows)
or Command-Option-Shift (Mac OS).
-9995Demo limit has been reached.
-9996Stack is full (too much recursion or nested calls).
-9997Maximum number of records has been reached.
-9998Duplicated key.
-9999No more room to save the record. (see note 4)
-10500Invalid record address (database needs to be repaired).
-10501Invalid index page (index needs to be repaired).
-10502Invalid record structure (data file needs to be repaired).
-10503Record # is out of range (during GOTO RECORD, or data file needs to be repaired).
(see note 3)
-10504Index page # is out of range (index needs to be repaired).
-10505Client and server have version numbers that are incompatible.
-10506Limit of the Standard Edition version.
-10507This version does not allow a compiled database to be opened.
-10508Project method not found.
-10509Can't open database "".
-10510Can't load component "".
-10511Can't call command "" from a component.
-10512The encoding is not supported
-10513Can't call {cmd_name} command from a 4D remote machine.
-10514The maximum number of concurrent users for your license has been reached
-10515Your attempt to connect to 4D Server has been denied
-10516The server is running a maintenance operation, please reconnect later.
-10517Failed to synchronize {folder_name} folder.
-10600This BLOB could not be read. It may be damaged.


1. While some of the errors listed reflect serious problems, i.e., -10502 Invalid record structure (data file needs to be repaired), other errors may occur on a regular basis and can be managed using an ON ERR CALL project method. For example, it is common to handle the error –9998 Duplicated key if your application offers opportunities to create duplicated values for a table that includes an indexed field whose Unique property is set.

2. Some of the errors listed never occur at the 4D language level. They can occur and be handled at a low level by database engine routines or when using 4D Backup or 4D Open.

3. The error -10503 Record # is out of range generally means that your code (for example, the GOTO RECORD command) is attempting to access a record that no longer exists (or has never existed). In certain more unusual cases, this error may mean that the database needs repairing.

4. The error -9999 No more room to save the record occurs when the data file of your database is full or located on a full volume. This error can also be generated if the data file is locked or located on a locked volume.

See Also


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