version 11
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE <<sql_name>> | <<$sql_name>> | :sql_name | :$sql_name
The EXECUTE IMMEDIATE command is used to execute a dynamic SQL statement. The sql_name passed represents a variable containing a set of SQL statements that will be executed as a whole.
Note: This command cannot be used within a connection to an external data source (SQL pass-through) established using the USE EXTERNAL DATABASE 4D command.
This example recovers the number of movies in the database that were released in 1960 or more recently:
C_LONGINT($NoMovies) C_TEXT($tQueryTxt) $NoMovies:=0 $tQueryTxt:="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MOVIES WHERE Year_of_Movie >= 1960 INTO :$NoMovies;" Begin SQL EXECUTE IMMEDIATE :$tQueryTxt; End SQL ALERT("The Video Library contains "+String($NoMovies)+" movies more recent or equal to 1960")