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version 2004.4 (Modified)

EDIT FORMULA (aTable; formula)

aTableTableTable to display by default in the Formula editor
formulaString variableVariable containing the formula to display in the
Formula editor or "" to display editor only
Formula validated by the user


The EDIT FORMULA command displays the Formula editor in order to let the user write or modify a formula. The editor contains the following on opening:

in the left list, the fields of the table passed in the table parameter,

in the formula area, the formula contained in the formula variable. If you passed an empty string in formula, the Formula editor is displayed without a formula.

The user can modify the formula displayed and save it. It is also possible to write or load a new formula. Regardless, if the user validates the dialog box, the system variable OK is set to 1 and the formula variable contains the formula defined by the user. If the user cancels the formula, the system variable OK is set to 0 and the formula variable is left untouched.

Note: By default, access to methods and commands is restricted for all users (except for the Designer and Administrator, in databases created with 4D 2004.4 and higher). When this mechanism is enabled, you must explicitly designate the elements that can be accessed by the users using the SET ALLOWED METHODS command. If formula calls methods that were not first "authorized" in the Formula editor using the SET ALLOWED METHODS command, a syntax error is generated and you will not be able to validate the dialog box.

Keep in mind that when the dialog box is validated, the command does not execute the formula; it only validates and updates the contents of the variable. If you want to execute the formula, you must use the EXECUTE FORMULA command.


Displaying the Formula editor with the [Employees] table and without a pre-entered formula:

   EDIT FORMULA([Employees];$myFormula)
   If (OK=1)
      APPLY TO SELECTION([Employees];EXECUTE FORMULA($myFormula))
   End if

See Also


System Variables or Sets

If the user validates the dialog box, the system variable OK is set to 1. If the user cancels the dialog box, the system variable OK is set to 0.

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