version 11 (Modified)
Open form window ({aTable; }formName{; type{; hPos{; vPos{; *}}}}) WinRef
Parameter | Type | Description | |
aTable | Table | Table of the form or Default table, if omitted | |
formName | String | Name of the form | |
type | Longint | Window type | |
hPos | Longint | Horizontal position of the window | |
vPos | Longint | Vertical position of the window | |
* | * | Save current position and size of the window | |
Function result | WinRef | Window reference number |
The Open form window command opens a new window using the size and resizing properties of the form formName.
Note that formName is not displayed in the window. If you want to display the form, you have to call a command which loads a form (ADD RECORD for example).
By default (if the type parameter is not passed), a standard window with a close box is opened. Unlike the Open window command, no method is associated to the window's close box. Clicking on this close box cancels and closes the window, except if the On Close Box form event has been activated for the form. In this case, the code associated with the On Close Box event will be executed.
If formName is resizable, the window opened will contain a zoom box as well as a grow box.
Note: To know the main properties of a form, use the GET FORM PROPERTIES command.
The optional type parameter allows you to specify a type for the window. You must pass one of the following predefined constants (placed in the "Open form window" theme):
Constant | Type | Value |
Standard form window | Longint | 8 |
Modal form dialog box | Longint | 1 |
Movable form dialog box | Longint | 5 |
Palette form window | Longint | 1984 |
Pop up form window | Longint | 32 |
Sheet form window | Longint | 33 |
The attributes (grow box, close box...) of the window created depend on the interface specifications of the operating system for the chosen type. It is therefore possible to obtain different results depending on the platform used.
For more information about window types, refer to the Window types section. Note that only the types listed in the "Open form window" theme can be used with the Open form window command.
The optional parameter hPos allows you to define the horizontal position of the window. You can pass a defined position, expressed in points, to this parameter (refer to the Open window command) or one of the following predefined constants placed in the "Open form window" theme:
Constant | Type | Value |
Horizontally Centered | Longint | 65536 |
On the Left | Longint | 131072 |
On the Right | Longint | 196608 |
The optional parameter vPos allows you to define the vertical position of the window. You can pass a defined position, expressed in points, to this parameter (refer to the Open window command) or one of the following predefined constants placed in the "Open form window" theme:
Constant | Type | Value |
Vertically Centered | Longint | 262144 |
At the Top | Longint | 327680 |
At the Bottom | Longint | 393216 |
These parameters take into account the presence of the tool bar and menu bar as well as the current size of the application's window (on Windows).
If you pass the optional parameter *, the current position and size of the window are memorized when closed. When the window is reopened again, its previous position and size are respected. In this case, the vPos and hPos parameters are only used the first time the window is opened.
1. The following statement opens a standard window with a close box and automatically adjusts it to be the same size as the "Input" form. Since the form has been defined as resizable, the window also has a grow and a zoom box:
$winRef := Open form window ([Table1];"Enter")
2. The following statement opens a floating palette in the upper left portion of the screen based on a project form named "Tools".. This palette uses the last position it was in when the user closed it each time it is reopened:
$winRef := Open form window ("Tools"; Palette form window; On the Left; At the Top;*)
See Also
GET FORM PROPERTIES, Open window, Window Types.