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version 6.7 (Modified)

SET DEFAULT CENTURY (century{; pivotYear})

centuryNumberDefault century (minus one)
for entry of date with two-digit year
pivotYearNumberPivot year for entry of date with two-digit year


The SET DEFAULT CENTURY command allows you to specify the default century and the pivot year used by 4D when you enter a date with only two digits for the year.

The pivot year value defines the way 4D will interpret data entry of a date with a two-digit year:

If the year is greater than or equal to the pivot year, 4D uses the current default century.

If the year is less than the pivot year, 4D uses the next century (relative to the current default).

By default, 4D sets the century to be the 20th century and uses 30 as pivot year. For example:

01/25/97 means January 25, 1997.

01/25/30 means January 25, 1930.

01/25/29 means January 25, 2029.

01/25/07 means January 25, 2007.

To change this default, execute the SET DEFAULT CENTURY command. The effect of the command is immediate. You can pass a new default century only, or a new default century and a pivot year.

If you pass only a new default century minus one in century, 4D will interpret data entry of a date with a two-digit year as belonging to this century.

For example, after the call:

   SET DEFAULT CENTURY(20) ` Switch to 21st century for default century

01/25/97 means January 25, 2097

01/25/07 means January 25, 2007

In addition, you can specify the optional pivotYear parameter.

For example, after this call, in which the pivot year is 1995:

      SET DEFAULT CENTURY(19;95) ` Switch to 21st century for default century if year is less than 95

01/25/97 means January 25, 1997

01/25/07 means January 25, 2007

Note: This command only affects how 4D interprets dates entered with a two-digit year.

In all cases:

01/25/1997 means January 25, 1997

01/25/2097 means January 25, 2097

01/25/1907 means January 25, 1907

01/25/2007 means January 25, 2007

This command only affects data entry. It has no effect on date storage, computation, and so on.

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