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version 6.0

WR O GET STYLESHEET (area; styleNum; name; font; size; style; color)

areaLongint4D Write area
styleNumIntegerStyle sheet number
nameStringReceives style sheet title
fontIntegerReceives font chosen
sizeIntegerReceives size of chosen font
styleIntegerReceives styles used
colorLongintReceives color used

Note 6.5: This command was only maintained for compatibility purposes. We recommend using the WR GET STYLESHEET INFO command.


The command WR O GET STYLESHEET returns in the name, font, size, style, and color parameters the values corresponding to the style sheet specified by StyleNum.

name contains the title of the style sheet and can be a maximum of 31 characters.

font returns the number of the font used in the specified style sheet. Use the WR O Font name function to obtain the name of the font with an ID of font.

size returns the size of the font used in the specified style sheet.

style returns the sum of the styles used. The list of styles and their corresponding codes is presented in the following table.

color returns a long integer that represents the color of the text. Use the WR RGB to color function to obtain the long integer corresponding to a color. The following is a list of commonly used colors and their corresponding values.

See Also


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