Named Selections, Introduction

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version 1.5

Named selections offer an easy way to manipulate several selections simultaneously. A named selection is an ordered list of records for a table in a connection. This ordered list of records—along with the order of the records in the selection and the current record—can be given a name and kept in memory.

If you change the selection of records for a table, you can immediately return to a particular selection of records by using a previously created named selection. You can have multiple named selections for each file in a connection.

The following functions are discussed in this section:

OP Copy named selection - copies the current selection of records into a named selection.

OP Cut named selection - removes the current selection of records and place them into a named selection.

OP Use named selection - enables use of a named selection previously created with either OP Copy named selection or OP Cut named selection .

OP Clear named selection - clears (from memory) a named selection that was previously created with OP Copy named selection.

Process and Interprocess Named Selections

A single user can be connected to the same 4D Server database more than once. Each connection is independent, allowing the user to perform different operations in each. For example, the user could enter a record in one connection and print a series of records in another connection.

When you are creating a named selection, you can decide whether or not the named selection can be shared among all the user's processes.

A shared named selection is called an interprocess named selection. Because it is interprocess, any process can use the named selection to recreate the selection of records.

A named selection that is not shared is called a process named selection. This type of named selection can be used only by the process in which it was created.

You denote whether a named selection should be process or interprocess through its name. The name of an interprocess named selection must start with the interprocess variable symbol <>. For example, "<>GoodCustomers" denotes an interprocess named selection.

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