version 6.7
4D Web Server supports WML (Wireless Markup Language) technology. This feature allows a mobile phone or a PDA's owner to read and enter data in a 4D database.
Note: The WML language associated to the WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) is developed by several companies. The WAP technology offers a set of network communication tools so that mobile phones and PDA users can visualize text published on Web pages. The WML technology is open and free of charge. For more information on WML, please refer to the Web site:
The data can be entered or read through WML pages using 4DVAR or 4DSCRIPT tags.
Here is the list of the WML documents supported by 4D Web server:
Extension | MIME Type | Description |
.wml | text/vnd.wap.wml | WML pages (always supported by 4D*) |
.wmls | text/vnd.wap.wmlscript | WML Scripts (on the client's side) |
.wmlc | application/vnd.wap.wmlc | WML binary pages |
.wmlsc | application/vnd.wap.wmlscript | WML binary scripts |
.wbmp | picture/vnd.wap.wbmp | Bitmap images for mobile phones (not always |
supported) |
* Allows dynamic data insertion through 4DVAR and 4DSCRIPT tags.
The 4D Web server supports .xml,.xls and .dtd documents which are sent with the following MIME type: "text/xml" and "text/xsl".
Regardless of the mode applied to the sent documents (contextual or non-contextual mode), 4D analyzes their content and processes their 4DVAR or 4DSCRIPT type tags (if any) in order to generate dynamic XML.
Note: It is not possible to send XML format from a 4D form in contextual mode using a tag such as {mypage.xml} included in a static text.
See Also
Binding 4D objects with HTML objects.