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version 6.0

BLOB PROPERTIES (blob; compressed{; expandedSize{; currentSize}})

blobBLOBBLOB for which to get information
compressedNumber0 = BLOB is not compressed
1 = BLOB compressed compact
2 = BLOB compressed fast
expandedSizeNumberSize of BLOB (in bytes) when not compressed
currentSizeNumberCurrent size of BLOB (in bytes)


The BLOB PROPERTIES command returns information about the BLOB blob.

The compressed parameter tells whether or not the BLOB is compressed, and returns one of the following values. Note: 4th Dimension provides the predefined constants.

Is not compressedLong Integer0
Compact compression modeLong Integer1
Fast compression modeLong Integer2

Whatever the compression status of the BLOB, the expandedSize parameter returns the size of the BLOB when it is not compressed.

The parameter currentSize returns the current size of the BLOB. If the BLOB is compressed, you will usually obtain currentSize less than expandedSize. If the BLOB is not compressed, you will always obtain currentSize equal to expandedSize.


1. See examples for the commands COMPRESS BLOB and EXPAND BLOB.

2. After a BLOB has been compressed, the following project method obtains the percentage of space saved by the compression:

      ` Space saved by compression project method
      ` Space saved by compression (Pointer {; Pointer } ) -> Long
      ` Space saved by compression ( -> BLOB {; -> savedBytes } ) -> Percentage

   C_POINTER ($1;$2)
   C_LONGINT ($0;$vlCompressed;$vlExpandedSize;$vlCurrentSize)

   BLOB PROPERTIES ($1->;$vlCompressed;$vlExpandedSize;$vlCurrentSize)
   If ($vlExpandedSize=0)
      If (Count parameters>=2)
      End if 
      If (Count parameters>=2)
      End if 
   End if 

After this method has been added to your application, you can use it this way:

      ` ...
   $vlPercent:=Space saved by compression  (->vxBlob;->vlBlobSize)
   ALERT ("The compression saved "+String (vlBlobSize)+" bytes, so "+String ($vlPercent;"#0%")+
         " of space.")

See Also


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