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version 6.0

RESOLVE POINTER (pointer; varName; tableNum; fieldNum)

pointerPointerPointer for which to retrieve the referenced object
varNameStringName of referenced variable or empty string
tableNumNumberNumber of referenced table or array element
or 0 or -1
fieldNumNumberNumber of referenced field or 0


The RESOLVE POINTER command retrieves the information of the object referenced by the pointer expression pointer and returns it into the parameters varName, tableNum, and fieldNum.

Depending on the nature of the referenced object, RESOLVE POINTER returns the following values:

Referenced objectParameters
None (NIL pointer)"" (empty string)00
VariableName of the variable-10
ArrayName of the array-10
Array elementName of the arrayElement number0
Table"" (empty string)Table number0
Field"" (empty string)Table numberField number


If the value you pass in pointer is not a pointer expression, a syntax error occurs.

The RESOLVE POINTER command does not work with pointers to local variables. In fact, by definition several local variables with the same name could exist in different locations, so it is not possible for the command to find the correct variable.


1. Within a form, you create a group of 100 enterable variables called v1, v2... v100. To do so, you perform the following steps:

a. Create one enterable variable that you name v.

b. Set the properties of the object.

c. Attach the following method to that object:

   DoSomething (Self)  ` DoSomething being a project method in your database

d. At this point, you can either duplicate the variable as many times as you need, or use the Objects on Grid feature in the Form Editor.

e. Within the DoSomething method, if you need to know the index of the variable for which the method is called, you write:

   RESOLVE POINTER($1;$vsVarName;$vlTableNum;$vlFieldNum)

Note that by constructing your form in this way, you write the methods for the 100 variables only once; you do not need to write DoSomething (1), DoSomething (2)...,DoSomething (100).

2. For debugging purposes, you need to verify that the second parameter ($2) to a method is a pointer to a table. At the beginning of this method, you write:

      ` ...
   If (<>DebugOn)
      RESOLVE POINTER($2;$vsVarName;$vlTableNum;$vlFieldNum)
      If (Not(($vlTableNum>0)&($vlFieldNum=0)&($vsVarName="")))
         ` WARNING: The pointer is not a reference to a table
   End if
      ` ...

3. See example for the DRAG AND DROP PROPERTIES command.

See Also

DRAG AND DROP PROPERTIES, Field, Get pointer, Is a variable, Nil, Table.

4D - Documentation   Français   English   German   4th Dimension 2004, Command Theme List   4th Dimension 2004, Command Alphabetical List   4th Dimension 2004, Constant Theme List   Back   Previous   Next